Republicans are voting to end democracy, and they know it – Los Angeles Times

To the editor: On Jan. 6, 2021, as the insurrection mounted outside, the voting in Congress on whether to certify the 2020 election brought to mind the movie Judgment at Nuremberg. (These California congressmen betrayed voters on Jan. 6, editorial, June 22)

In one scene, a respected German jurist on trial for his role in the Nazi horrors of World War II tells the American judge on the tribunal that he thought he could thwart what was happening in his country by remaining as a judge in the system, and that I never knew it would come to that.

The American judge answers, It came to that the first time you sentenced a man to death you knew to be innocent.

On Jan. 6, 147 Republican representatives (seven from California) voted to object to an election they knew to be free and fair. Then a month later, 43 senators voted to acquit a man they knew to be guilty. They empowered the Big Lie and the liar.

Today, as we watch the purge of Republicans willing to tell the truth, we now know that the threat is ongoing. These Republicans have failed to understand the dangerous moment we are in and the role they are playing. But I pray that the voters will not fail to vote out these compromised lawmakers.

Mari Bukofsky, Laguna Beach


To the editor: Your editorial, Texas GOP platform betrays historical Texan and Republican values, was relatively kind to the Texas Republicans who proposed a dazzlingly fanatical agenda for their party.

Their platform is a bigoted, racist, homophobic, theocratic rejection of our country, our president, voters of color, the LGBTQ community and those who do not embrace their dogma.

They booed their own Republican senator, John Cornyn, who has served their state and their party for 20 years, because he dared to work with Democrats on gun safety. They apparently reject any form of compromise.

These delegates are the antithesis of American values. They cloak themselves in their belief in God, the Constitution and our founding fathers. Nonetheless, they have declared that we do not have a legitimate president. This means they do not recognize the United States government as theirs.

These are not patriots with allegiance to our country. These are hypocrites who would propose undermining the United States by seceding.

Forgive me for agreeing with those who say good riddance.

William Goldman, Palos Verdes Estates

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Republicans are voting to end democracy, and they know it - Los Angeles Times

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