Republicans. Republican Party of America. …

Our nation must remain as "ONE NATION UNDER GOD", with moral and christian principles that founded this country. The Democratic Party has become the immoral party in our nation. They support abortion rights to murder thousands of unborn babies, they believe in gay rights such as marriage between same sex couples. This is totally against God's law and very immoral, not only is it against God's law but it destroys family values as well. Marriage was saction by God between one man and one woman. God help our nation if we Americans allow a far-out liberal like John Kerry to become president of our nation. In the Holy Bible in proverbs 14:34, it states "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people". We must return to our christian hertiage and moral values in this country if we as a nation are going to survive and be blessed by our God that our nation will be strong and properous as a people. The immoral party wants to seperate church from state, for they already have destroyed the viewing and placement of the Ten Commandments, which we received from God our common law to live by. They have become a party of liberalism and socialism, along with having the Communist party supporting them this year to get rid of our president, who is a very righteous and moral man who seeks our God and giving him guidance for leading our nation in the right paths. We should be praying for Him and our nation instead of running Him down. If we trust in God like our money reads, He will make a way of escape for us in this time of trouble. May God truly bless our president and our nation once again!

A faithful patroit


As a Catholic with strong pro life convictions I understand what your saying bit I must disagree. Our country has strong Christian roots but our government does not and should not. Our Constitution recognizes freedom of religion and separation of church and state. Starting from the Pilgrims, America became a land where many immigrants came to seek freedom from governments that interfered in their faith. Even today many of the immigrants from former Soviet Republics that have recently moved to America are evangelists who were finally free to move to a land that does not sanction them for their faith. For our government to openly adopt or reflect Christian law would infringe on the rights of Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and people of other faiths that have as much a right to live here as you or I. The Democrats do have problems, and yes they could be called immoral in the ways you mentioned, Kerry doesn't support gay marriage though. As a resident of Massachusetts I have seen gay marriage in action, and it does not even have much support here, but it also hasnt caused much upheavel. There's no tried method to make a gay person stop being gay, and there's fewer reasons to prevent them from getting legal rights. In two years we'll have our chance to vote on it, long overdue, but by then it will be evident what damage it has or has not done. There is a very big difference between liberalism and socialism and the Democrats certainly do not embrace the latter. And there is an even larger gap between socialism and communism believe it or not but that's not as important.

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Republicans. Republican Party of America. ...

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