This week in the war on workers: Republicans are coming for your overtime pay – Daily Kos

In the spirit of traditional Republican generosity, House Republicans want togiveworkers the gift of time at the cost of money. A House bill would allow workers to agree with their bosses to take comp time instead of overtime pay.

Republicans say the bill has plenty of worker protections, like a ban on coercing employees into choosing comp time; a guarantee that they be paid for any unused comp time within thirteen months after accruing it; and a requirement that workers who asked to utilize their comp time get to do so within a reasonable period after making the request if the use of the compensatory time does not unduly disrupt the operations of the employer.

Do you see problems with that? Because I see problems with that. How exactly would this ban on coercing workers into choosing comp time be enforced? In the same way that minimum wage and overtime protections are enforced, which is to say, in Republican-world, hardly at all?

It forces the employee to give the employer a loan -- unsecured, interest-free -- of the overtime pay, in order to have the hope -- not a guarantee, but the hope -- of having some time off later on, said [the Economic Policy Institutes Ross] Eisenbrey. Either way, he said, employers still get to decide whether to actually grant their workers requests for time off.

The difference, Democrats say, is that if Republicans get their way, companies will get away with not paying overtime by pressuring workers to choose comp time or by only giving excess hours to those staff whove done so.

Nope, no potential for abuse there at all! Just Republicans trying to give workers the gift of time, for sure.

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This week in the war on workers: Republicans are coming for your overtime pay - Daily Kos

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