Adults need to take the responsibility for child slaughter – Albuquerque Journal

I treat children rather than adults, because kids dont generally bring their maladies upon themselves. When they do cause their own injuries, its through failure to fly or some other age-appropriate misjudgment. Even the teens who injure themselves through drugs, (alcohol), reckless driving or TikToK challenges all get a pass the first time or two. I laugh, tease and hopefully instill some insight during that momentary opportunity for reflection that a recoverable injury offers. Kids offer hope through their smiles, jokes, laughter, growth, resilience and healing power. But dead is dead.

A critically injured child survived a severe car crash, a prolonged extraction and transport and the emergency department where we placed multiple IVs, a breathing tube, a chest tube (and performed) a blood transfusion and CT exams. She had life-threatening injuries to her brain, lungs, heart, liver, spleen and intestines. She came to the emergency department pale and blue, but through our interventions she was heading to the operating room, pink and perfused with a chance of survival.

Leaving her resuscitation, I heard the news of another school shooting. Three kids dead. No opportunity to help. Dead. Not alive. No hope, no laughter, no smiles. Dead.

Sometimes children die in the emergency department. Typically they arrive dead or dying and in spite of our interventions do not recover. Telling parents this heart-wrenching news is painful, poignant and best done when they are present during the resuscitation. We explain that the nurses, docs and paramedics in the room are breathing for the child and pumping the blood for them, as their loved ones body can no longer perform these basic functions. But when we stop, in spite of everything weve done, their child will likely die. We stop, and this child dies with parents present holding them, giving love and respect for a life cut short.

Dead. Shot to death. No parent, no family, no tears. No nurses or doctors giving CPR, putting in breathing tubes or chest tubes, no CTs, no miraculous saves is the emergency room, operating room or pediatric ICU. Dead. Sprawled on cheap linoleum school floors. Mangled brains, chests and abdomens. Shredded by military assault weapons. Dead. Alone.

When are adults going to take responsibility for our kids being slaughtered? Why does the Second Amendment trump our childrens right to live? Guns dont kill people, they just give humans with poor impulse control a really easy way to ruin everyone elses life. We need more good people with guns. No, we dont. Trained police have a difficult time intervening, and a group of well-intentioned amateurs shooting up the scene doesnt increase anyones safety. Its simple math.

If you have weapons you are more likely to use them to kill yourself, your loved ones or someone elses loved ones. Its not that hard; take something that can deliver unbelievable harm and misery, and get it off our streets and out of our homes. Open carry, assault weapons, ginormous magazines all weaponize the petty fears of an insecure minority who have no right to kill our children. We must refuse this framed as a Second Amendment debate and remember that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness stops when you are dead. Its better to be woke than asleep at the wheel, impaired at the trigger, or dead.

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Adults need to take the responsibility for child slaughter - Albuquerque Journal

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