Chuck Horn: Second Amendment needs modernizing – GazetteNET

Published: 4/24/2023 1:46:11 PM

Modified: 4/24/2023 1:44:11 PM

Another mass killing with an assault weapon. We grow numb, but we must address these attacks as the Greatest Generation did it during World War II. Fortunately, there are stirrings of action throughout our country to do just that. The following thoughts may help. For God, country, and our children, we must ban assault weapons no cure, but an essential start.

Read about about Second Amendments a well-ordered militia. There were fewer murders in our country when assault weapons were banned, and the government never came after our other arms. Realistically, how could they? Not going to happen. Be honest, the Second Amendment needs some modernizing. Ben Franklin nor any of his colleagues could have not have imagined todays military hardware.

Do I really need these dangerous man toys for display? Am I sure that my children or their friends will not find a way past my locks? I actually believe that once the spell is broken, a hell of a lot of us will give up these useless showpieces. In the process, we will know that the next mass murder wont be committed with our own secure weapon.

Join sensible gun laws groups. Shop to see which meet your hopes. Cant work on the above? Then please support red flag rules, background checks, etc. Its happening in many states. Cant even go that far? Work in your community for better safety measures, especially in crowded places. All of us, stop pointing the finger; look for common ground.

The news media and vested interests for both sides of this issue sell fear to attract readers and viewers. It works. But fear splits us apart and is the driving force behind the worst of our actions. Dont fall for it. Ignore the noise. We can do these difficult tasks as weve have before. It starts in the mirror. Get out of your comfort zone. Act, stand up, say something as needed. And keep at it. Our children arent asking us for help, they are literally crying and screaming for it! Help them.

Chuck Horn


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Chuck Horn: Second Amendment needs modernizing - GazetteNET

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