Collins Supports Protecting Second Amendment Rights for Veterans –

It is odd that federal entities seem to find certain libertieslike the right to bear armsless inalienable than others. I will continue to guard the constitutional rights of all Americans against groups that would undermine them, and I look forward to seeing due process restored in the question of veterans Second Amendment rights.

WASHINGTONCongressman Doug Collins (R-Ga.) voted today to support H.R. 1181, TheVeterans Second Amendment Protection Act, to guard veterans right to bear arms and to due process under the law.

Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) labels veterans as mentally defective if they receive assistance from an appointed fiduciary. In the VA system, attaching this label to a veteran sends his or her name to the FBIs National InstantCriminal Background Check System (NICS). Inclusion on the NICS list prohibits an individual from buying or possessing a gun. Under the VAs system, individuals can be added to the system without any judicial determination,meaning veterans are deprivedof their Second Amendment rights without due process.

As a military chaplain, I find it disheartening that the VA allows bureaucrats to make determinations about a veterans constitutional right under the pretext of mental health care. Under the Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act, a judicial determinationrather than a bureaucratic labelwould be necessary to report a veterans name to NICS, said Collins.

It is odd that federal entities seem to find certain libertieslike the right to bear armsless inalienable than others. I will continue to guard the constitutional rights of all Americans against groups that would undermine them, and I look forward to seeing due process restored in the question of veterans Second Amendment rights.

Collins also cosponsored a similar piece of legislation, H.J.Res. 40, a joint resolution of disapproval of the Social Security Administrationsimplementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, which effectively denied millions of Social Security recipients their Second and Fourth Amendment rights. President Trump signed this resolution into law last month.

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Collins Supports Protecting Second Amendment Rights for Veterans -

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