Editorial: Keeping guns out of dangerous hands doesn’t weaken Second Amendment – WRAL News

CBC Editorial: Wednesday, April 19, 2023; editorial #8842

The following is the opinion of Capitol Broadcasting Company

It is only common sense to most North Carolinians, that before someone can buy a handgun whether from a federally-licensed firearms dealer, a vendor at a gun show or even an acquaintance -- theres a check to be sure that person isnt:

Common sense.

Common sense.

Lobbyist Caldwells support for permit repeal and Blackwoods acceptance isnt shared by all sheriffs.

Why isnt it common sense among our legislators to do MORE, not less, so guns dont get into the hands of those who we know will make our communities more dangerous?

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Editorial: Keeping guns out of dangerous hands doesn't weaken Second Amendment - WRAL News

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