Growing the 2A Community: The Second Amendment Is for Everyone –

In 2015, as Tony was testifying about an upcoming bill, he realized he was the only black pro-Second Amendment representative out of over 100 people. He wanted to see more representation from his community. How could he encourage minorities to not only exercise their Second Amendment rights but to get involved in advocating for them?

Tony felt a deep need to destroy negative media-driven stereotypes, but how? When he spoke with a friend about this, his friend gave him the answer he needed but didnt want at the time. He told Tony it was on him to start the movement. He needed to be about it, not talk about it.

And so began the 2A4E Diversity Shoot. According to Tony, Our mission is to introduce all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or background to learn about their Second Amendment rights.

The event started small in 2015 with only four people attending. Tony partnered with local gun ranges and kept showing up. Between 2015-2019 the event grew so large he had to start using tickets to avoid capacity issues. Eventually, he spread out to other ranges and added more dates. Even throughout the pandemic, Tony found ranges that continued to host. These days, Tony continues to be about it and hosts events twice a month at four ranges and in two states.

As Tony and I chatted about the issues surrounding the gun community, the common theme that came up was divisiveness. Whether it be political rhetoric, false media narratives, or in-fighting, everything seems to be aimed at separating gun owners into different groups. Of course, we all fall into certain categories and come from different backgrounds, but what does that matter if we all agree on the right to bear arms?

We agreed that the hardcore anti-gun crowd is exceptionally united. Theyre on a mission to eradicate guns, and theyll stick together no matter what. They dont want anyone to have guns regardless of gender, race, political affiliation, or other qualifications.

Its not likely well change the minds in that group, but what if we could get to those people in the middle? The ones who are uneducated about firearms and havent chosen a side yet. Certainly, some people have no gun experience, but theyre curious and just waiting for the right conversation.

As Tony and I discussed solutions, it became clear we need two things: unity and more people on our side. We need to have conversations that arent pushy or judgmental, and we must welcome everyone into the 2A community, regardless of how we feel about them.

Thats precisely what Tony Simon is doing. Hes created a safe space designed to be welcoming to everyone, including minorities and underrepresented groups who may often feel comfortable in a firearms class. Tony doesnt care if youre black, white, Asian, gay, straight, or anything else. Youre welcome at the 2A4E Diversity Shoot. As a woman who initially felt intimidated to go to the range, I can say, after talking to Tony, I would have loved to attend his class.

Tony Simons mission is to help people learn about and exercise their Second Amendment rights. Its a human right, after all, he says. His work focuses on showing people that gun laws dont make us any safer and gun owners arent crazy for wanting to protect themselves.

2A4E isnt just a brand or catchy phrase. Its a lifestyle we all, as gun owners, should be living without question. To preserve and restore our rights, we need to unite and invite more people to our side. The best way to do that is to embrace everyone, show them what the Second Amendment truly stands for, and welcome them into our community.

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Growing the 2A Community: The Second Amendment Is for Everyone -

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