Gun-friendly bars, restaurants cataloged online

Updated: Tuesday, September 2 2014, 01:24 PM CDT

By: CBS 21 Web Staff

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- More than 57,000 gun-friendly bars and restaurants have opened across the United States, as the public discussion about gun control and the Second Amendment continues to rage.

The Washington Times reported September 1 about a Virginia restaurant owner, Bryan Crosswhite, who opened a gun-friendly eatery in accordance to that state's laws, stating people's rights to carry legally at a restaurant shouldn't be interfered with.

Crosswhite also started an organization that lists other pro-gun establishments nationwide, called He started the site in December and has had more than 57,000 businesses sign on.

There are also other registries that list pro- and anti-Second Amendment stories.

Read the full Washington Times article here.

Photo courtesy: MGN Online

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Gun-friendly bars, restaurants cataloged online

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