Letter: 2nd Amendment rights violated by state – Berkshire Eagle

To the editor:

I think most people would hope and expect our government officials to put aside their political agendas in these difficult times and concentrate on defeating the COVID-19 crisis. Apparently that is not the case and I am not referring to the idiots in Washington. Our own Massachusetts attorney general recently misused her position of political power to accuse the Second Amendment community of being a threat to "police officers, first responders, and domestic violence victims." These false and derogatory accusations regarding lawful firearm owning residents should require an apology. Apparently our Attorney General feels she is above the law and our governor is unwilling to correct her.

The Baker administration has further utilized the crisis to discriminate against our Constitutional Second Amendment rights. In mid-March, the administration announced an emergency loan program for small businesses. The program is being run through the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC). Only five types of businesses were declared ineligible for Massachusetts emergency small business loans and firearm retailers are one of them! This is pure discrimination against family owned firearm retailers who have bills to pay and families to raise. These businesses pay local property taxes and employ local citizens. I am sure the goal of this discrimination is the hope that these businesses will promptly go out of business.

Thousands of law-abiding firearm owners are facing the expiration of their FID and LTC licenses. New applications and renewal requests are being denied due to social distancing requirements and other priorities of the police. The Baker administration has no plans in place to extend these permits as they have for numerous other licenses. Imagine the public outrage if you could not register a new vehicle, renew a vehicle registration or renew a business license. Apparently the governor wants to discriminate against our Second Amendment rights and create a whole new group of unlicensed firearm owners.

Please call Gov. Baker's office at 617-725-4005 and give him this simple and straight forward statement: "Continue the fight against COVID-19, but end this vendetta against the Second Amendment Civil Rights community!" In addition, do not forget who violated our Second Amendment rights when it comes time to vote!

Richard Ladd,



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See original here:
Letter: 2nd Amendment rights violated by state - Berkshire Eagle

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