Letter: Gun lobby has distorted the Second Amendment – Times Union

To the editor

June 19, 2022

Why do we as a country tolerate the death and carnage enabled by the wanton ownership of guns?

I quote former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Warren Burger. In an interview in 1991, he said, "The gun lobbys interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In an article he wrote that year, he stated, "The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies the militia would be maintained for the defense of the state. ...The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires.

The Supreme Court made this fraud part of our jurisprudence, with the execrable and ahistorical Heller decision. Justice Antonin Scalia betrayed every one of his judicial philosophies and beliefs when he crafted this activist abomination, on behalf of the gun manufacturers and their mouthpiece the National Rifle Association.

The court is now poised to potentially strike down sensible New York gun laws.

Meanwhile, last month, well over a dozen children were slaughtered in Texas, and elderly Black grocery shoppers were murdered in Buffalo. And more.

Why do many Americans value gun ownership over the lives of children? Why do we accept a culture of death? Why do we tolerate the status quo?


William SaffordTroy

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Letter: Gun lobby has distorted the Second Amendment - Times Union

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