Letter: Note the phrase well-regulated in the Second Amendment – The Daily Freeman

Dear Editor:

1) Well regulated phrase in Second Amendment: Why is this always overlooked? The majority of Americans simply want compliance with the Constitution. And while it is not specified what well regulated means, those who push against ALL regulations cannot be in compliance.

2) Assault Rifles are clearly for assaulting. Nothing more to be said.

3) As a therapist for 40 years, I can vouch for the fact that kids today are far more anxious than ever before. It cant help to know there are daily mass shootings. No matter how far from them, it sinks in as a threat.

4) Also as a therapist, I can tell you that reporting people with mental health instability sounds easier than it is. I once was on receiving end of frightening phone call (reciting my address) just for issuing a psychiatric pickup order. Imagine a homicidal client who finds out youve turned in his name for confiscation of his guns

Start by doing the obvious common sense: No sale of guns to teenagers, No sale of ASSAULT rifles. No brainer.

Donna Boundy

West Hurley, N.Y.

See the rest here:
Letter: Note the phrase well-regulated in the Second Amendment - The Daily Freeman

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