Letter to the Editor: The Second Amendment – San Clemente Times

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EARLE MCNEIL, San Clemente

We must remember that the colonists and farmers had essentially the same type of guns as the British army.

So, when the SecondAmendment was written, our Founding Fathers were well aware that the people should not be disarmed to bows and knives when facing the possibility of a tyrannical government gone wild.

The Second Amendment is what protects our First Amendment. Congress is composed of We the People. Any gun restrictions must include all members of Congress.

No ones life in Congress is worth any more than We the People. Best argument to own a gun is provided by those governors and mayors who refuse to let police protect the citizens life and property.

Just look at the killing, maiming, rioting, looting, and burning in their cities.


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Letter to the Editor: The Second Amendment - San Clemente Times

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