Letters: Silence is not how democracy is supposed to work – The Columbus Dispatch

Letters to the Editor| The Columbus Dispatch

I read with interest the article April 27 article "GOP megadonor Richard Uihlein bankrolls push to make it harder to amend Ohio constitution."

I'm sure the out-of-state billionaire, who's generational wealth goes back to before the civil war, is "just" looking out for the best interest of Ohio's working people. Wink, wink.

More: GOP megadonor Richard Uihlein bankrolls push to make it harder to amend Ohio constitution

Douglas Berger, Toledo

Has anyone else had this problem? Given the pressure towards authoritarianism (former President Donald Trump) in America, I though it necessary to be more engaged in democracy.

Thus, I called my state representatives, Sen. Andrew Brenner, District 19, and Rep. Beth Lear, District 61, to ask for an executive summary of their activity. I received no response on two separate occasions.

Also tried Ohio Legislation website and received, let us say, the typical computer-generated response with no substance.

Is this how democracy is supposed to work?

Randall Holton, Westerville

I am going to make a radical suggesting concerning gun control: rescind the Second Amendment and replace it with a more reasonable Amendment that will allow law-abiding citizens to have access to some types of guns, restrict some problem citizens and some types of guns.

The intent of the Second Amendments was to allow for, A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,, We have taken the Amendment completely out of context in allowing me to keep and bear (any kind of) arms and also not be in a Militia.

At the time the Second Amendment was written, our firearms were rather primitive.T

oday they are high powered rifles or pistols with the capacity to quickly deliver several rounds of ammunitions.There is no need for these kinds of arms in the possession of our citizens.

Those arms are for making war and not for killing our own citizens.

Richard Riley, Dublin

This conversation, as you put it, has been going on for years, with no success in changing the course of gun violence across America.

From the editor: From the editor: Its time to talk about gun violence

To most of our ears, the conversation is nothing but rhetoric and white noise.

Ill be curious to see what you uncover, but more importantly, if your work effects change.

Tom Sussi, Columbus

See more here:
Letters: Silence is not how democracy is supposed to work - The Columbus Dispatch

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