Second Amendment Rally welcomes nearly 300 people in Ridgway – The Courier-Express

RIDGWAY An estimated 300 people gathered at the Elk County Courthouse Saturday in support of the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment Rally was an effort of the Elk County Wilds Tourism Association, in collaboration with other organizations, said Tom Fitch, noting the event was very educational.

The ECWTA served food to guests, and people were registered to vote that day, he said.

About 300 people attended, Fitch said. They heard nine speakers talk about the pending threats on the Second Amendment.

The rally welcomed speakers like Pennsylvania General Assembly candidate of the 75th district Mike Armanini and Pennsylvania Senate candidate of the 25th district Rep. Cris Dush.

Members of law enforcement also showed their support for the Second Amendment the right to keep and bear arms including Elk County Sheriff Todd Caltagarone and other officers.

Each speaker brought something different to the rally, Fitch noted.

Sheriff Caltagarone talked about our rights, according to the constitution, Fitch said. Ralph Dussia talked of the assault on our Second Amendment. Ron Burkett explained the erosion of our society, and our rights. Cris Dush and Mike Armanini spoke on pending legislation, and the limitations that will be put on our rights.

Other speakers included Kim Stoffer, John Hauser, Dr. Val Finnel and Austin Pringle of North Central PA Pheasants Forever Chapter 360, according to a news release.

Kim spoke of the effect attacks on Second Amendment, on your rights to defend yourself and your business, Fitch said.

Finnell, a representative of Gun Owners of America, urged attendees that now is the most important time to exercise their right to vote.

Austin spoke about what it (the Second Amendment) means to him, and other youth in shooting competition and personal development, Fitch said.

Local music teacher Jason Phipps sang the National Anthem.

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Second Amendment Rally welcomes nearly 300 people in Ridgway - The Courier-Express

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