Space a champion of 2nd Amendment – New Jersey Herald – – New Jersey Herald

Posted: Feb. 20, 2017 1:14 pm


I read with some skepticism the Feb. 10 New Jersey Herald story about two young neophytes seeking to challenge incumbent Assemblyman Parker Space and his announced running mate, Hal Wirths, in the June Republican primary.

Of particular interest was the claim that Assemblyman Space is not fighting for Second Amendment rights -- an allegation I know firsthand to be incorrect.

As executive director of New Jersey's official state rifle and pistol association, I can state unequivocally that Assemblyman Space is one of the Garden State's true Second Amendment champions. Not only has he has consistently and reliably opposed every piece of gun control and anti-hunting legislation to cross his desk, but he has also sponsored major pro-gun initiatives including right-to-carry.

Anyone can pay lip service to the Second Amendment, but few can back that up with a proven record of action like Assemblyman Space.

To be sure, there are incumbents who should be challenged in the primaries on Second Amendment grounds, but Assemblyman Space is not one of them.

Scott L. Bach

Executive Director, Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs


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Space a champion of 2nd Amendment - New Jersey Herald - - New Jersey Herald

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