The Second Amendment | News, Sports, Jobs – Williamsport Sun-Gazette

A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. That is it, the entire Second Amendment. Recently, seventy-thousand people went to the NRA convention in Indianapolis to celebrate their Second Amendment rights.

In 1791, when the Second amendment was passed, Arms referred to muzzle loading muskets and pistols. If skilled at reloading, a shooter could get a second shot off within a minute. Seems a bit more sporting than 70 to 90 rounds a minute.

When that kid in Texas killed all those students and teachers, where was his well-regulated militia? Wasnt that part of the Second Amendment deal? His plan was likely to commit suicide by cop but the cops were so impressed with his weapon that they stayed in the school hallway for 70 minutes while wounded children bled out.

Europe has a population of 749 million. In 2022, Europe had 10 mass shootings which was their highest number in decades. The U.S. population is less than half at 326 million. In 2022, we had 695 mass shootings and in 2021 we had 48,000 firearm homicides and suicides. It is painfully obvious that something is terribly wrong.



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The Second Amendment | News, Sports, Jobs - Williamsport Sun-Gazette

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