Unlike predecessor, Trump will support Second Amendment – Bowling Green Daily News

When our nations Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution, they added the Second Amendment for a reason: The right of the people to keep and bear arms.

They stated emphatically in that sacred amendment that that right should not be infringed upon.

More than 200 years later, we agree with the Founders wishes and wholeheartedly respect the Second Amendment and all that it represents.

There are some people in this country who have total disdain and contempt for the Second Amendment. If they had it their way, it would be totally thrown out the window and every law-abiding citizen would have their guns confiscated by the federal government.

We suspect former President Barack Obama is one of those people.

He believed more gun laws, executive orders on guns and restricting law-abiding citizens from buying guns were the way to keep America safe.

He couldnt have been more wrong.

The former president turned a blind eye to places like his hometown of Chicago, which has some of the strictest gun laws on the books and also has one of the highest murder rates in the country.

Statistics show the majority of these weapons used in these murders in Chicago werent bought legally.

U.S. Sen Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said it best in 2016 when he noted that criminals dont care about that laws we pass with regards to guns, they never follow the law, thats why theyre criminals.

If criminals want a gun badly enough, they will simply buy it illegally. That is just more proof that more executive orders and stricter gun laws dont work.

After eight years of watching a president who had total contempt for the Second Amendment, it is nice to know that we now have a president in Donald Trump who actually gets it and has total respect for gun owners and the Second Amendment.

Speaking at the National Rifle Association annual convention Friday, Trump told the large crowd that the eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end.

Trump, the first sitting president to address the groups annual meeting in more than 30 years, assured the audience that he would defend their right to bear arms.

He told the crowd that they have a true friend and champion in the White House.

Trump promised to do away with Obamas efforts to strengthen background checks and to eliminate gun-free zones at schools and military bases.

We applaud Trump for pledging to get rid of these proposals, which actually make citizens less safe.

We believe Trump is an ardent supporter not only of the Second Amendment but for gun owners and will be a true friend to that very large group of people during his presidency.

What a very nice, welcome change!

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Unlike predecessor, Trump will support Second Amendment - Bowling Green Daily News

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