Don’t Hire An SEO Consultant Unless You Do These 3 Things – Good Herald

Web sites and blogs can only succeed if theyre noticed. Through online marketing and promotion, you can build traffic to your web site. The best traffic however is that which comes organically. To improve your web site rankings, consider using a search engine optimization consultant. Hiring a SEO consultant can be a rewarding experience if you follow these simple guidelines.

Starting a search engine optimization initiative for your business is easier than you think. There are numerous SEO consultants and experts that can show you how to radically improve your rankings for much less than you might think. In fact, many search engine optimization consultants can save a good deal of money for you if managed properly.

To make your partnership with any search engine optimization consultant, you need to abide by a few general parameters. Successful engagements each include similar guidelines and can help you have a productive working relationship. By concentrating on these guidelines, you can mutually agree with your consultant on deliverable and what would be considered a successful relationship.

The first step in a successful consulting relationship is making sure that your consultant is credible. Does he have examples of his work? Are there references you can check? You want to not only find someone you can trust, but someone who is an authority on the subject youre focused on, SEO. There are a lot of people out there who think they know everything about SEO but have had not formal or hands on training.

The next step with your SEO consultant is to agree on what specifically the consultant will be doing for you. Is this consultant going to provide a review and analysis or are they going to provide a specific plan as well? Understand and have a very clear picture of what the deliverable will be so you arent disappointed with the result. Many consultant type relationships are ineffective because consultant and company arent clear on the work that is being performed.

The final step in any SEO type of engagement is to work with your consultant to develop a team of designers, developers, and programmers who can implement optimization recommendations. The place that most companies fall short is on implementation. Even if the consultant makes incredible suggestions that you know will have a significantly positive benefit on rankings, if they arent implemented, you will have wasted your money. The time to assemble your team is now.

Organic rankings are an essential part of any search engine optimization effort. To succeed online you need to consider how to continually improve and expand the search engine optimization of your website. Begin with a credible search engine optimization consultant and agree on deliverables. Have a clear understanding of what the consultant plans to deliver and when. This ensures a productive working relationship that improves rankings for the long-term.

Michael Fleischner is an author and SEO consultant. To learn how you can Improve search engine ranking, follow Michael on Twitter at @mfleischner or learn more about Michaels SEO training program at

Photo By michelprado from Pixabay

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Don't Hire An SEO Consultant Unless You Do These 3 Things - Good Herald

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