Teachers Pledge to Teach CRT, Any Of Your Child’s On List? – newstalk870.am

The Freedom Foundation, a non-partisan free-market conservative group that advocates for sound and conservative business, educational and societal principles.

They were the ones who were involved in the Slidewaters Water Park suit against the state over COVID closures in Chelan County, and they were the first to blow the whistle on WA state DOH counting gunshot deaths as COVID victims.

Now, they've obtained information about a nationwide list being signed by educators, who are pledging to teach Critical Race Theory in schools--regardless of possible laws or parental resistance.

CRT is a 'curriculum' by which societal issues related to American history which basically says America was founded on racist, bigoted sexist and even homophobic policies; as opposed to what is recorded in history books.

According to the Foundation a number of states have or are working to pass anti-CRT legislation. They include:

"Texas, Idaho, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Arizona, North Carolina, and Missouri."

The Foundation says this list originates from what's called the Zinn Education Project. According to The Foundation:

"(the) Zinn Education Project is focused on providing propaganda masked as teaching lessons based on Howard Zinn, noted leftist, socialist historian and textbook author."

The docdroid.net document contains a place for teachers/educators to 'sign' the petition/pledge, and leave comments if they wish. As of this date, there are in excess of 5,000 teachers nationally who've signed. There are quite a bit from the Pacific Northwest, and a lot from Seattle and Portland.

Some of the signees appear to try to make a reasonable argument for CRT based upon their comments, but the document is littered with statements about the racist, sexist, white capitalist history of our nation and how it needs to be corrected.

In the coming days we will update this story, and include quotes from these teachers. We are currently about halfway through the 497 pages of signees, we are looking for any educators who may be from our region.

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Teachers Pledge to Teach CRT, Any Of Your Child's On List? - newstalk870.am

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