Using the DMAIC Process for SEO Projects

Conducting SEO projects involves working in a constantly changing environment, an environment where one of the major search engines rolls out hundreds of changes to it's algorithm every single year. On top of that we need to make sure we are offering a good return on investment for our clients while managing our own costs to ensure we stay in a job.

DMAIC offers you a unique way to solve these problems.

DMAIC stands for:

It was originally created by Motorola as part of the Six Sigma method to quality management.

Six Sigma is typically used in manufacturing industries where processes run at high volume and often need to be scaled or improved because of inefficiencies. It's difficult to port across the whole Six Sigma process to digital marketing projects as our products aren't as clearly defined as they are in vehicle manufacture. However, there are some processes we can use.

When used effectively, DMAIC can improve any type of process for any organization in any industry just by looking at the efficiency and effectiveness.

DMAIC offers a way of challenging wasteful and inefficient processes to come up with something better. You can also reuse the process to streamline all of your processes.

In addition, DMAIC is a thorough system. Decisions are based on measurement and data. There are various tools needed and analysis phase identifies all of the problems that may not have been exposed otherwise. It's a fresh way of looking at the project to establish new processes.

It's also about looking at the long-term values for a company. DMAIC isn't about a quick fix. The system is about finding a solution that will provide a more simple process that is more beneficial to the business. The control part of the DMAIC methodology is crucial to ensuring the effectiveness of the plan.

Read more here:
Using the DMAIC Process for SEO Projects

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