Why the Digitalization of Education is Important – Student Assembly of the State University of New York

The importance of digital education has never been more highlighted than how it is right now. The pandemic has shuttered everyone inside their homes.In a grim turn of events, even the children are forced to not see their classmates for months on end. Unfortunately, they are deprived of the interaction they are supposed to get to live a healthy social life. Even college students are having a difficult time adjusting. There is no end in sight to the problem even as the vaccines are slowly being rolled out. Various new strains are being discovered as vaccine-making pharmaceutical brands struggle to keep up.

There is no use in worrying. We need to think that the world intends to spin on like it always has. COVID or not, we have to move forward. Luckily for most, access to the internet is now a human right. In the United States alone, almost 83% of the people have access to the internet.

We are living in the digital age. Never in the history of humanity was a normal person this empowered in a digital world. Everyone has a level playing field in the digital age. It is a world where everybody else is bound by a certain set of rules no one is spared. Fortunately, most transactions can be done through the internet even the education and training of your children.;

Sadly, the digitization of the academe is hard to accept for a few traditionalists. They believe that old school learning is still the way to go. While their arguments have merit, we, unfortunately, have no choice. Going digital is the only option to educate ourselves and our children. What are the merits of the digitalization of school and training?

The most obvious advantage of going digital is that you can learn away fromthe site. The pandemic has cornered everyone inside our homes. Social distancing restrictions cannot make way for face to face classes. It is too dangerous to risk getting an education at the expense of your life.

Going to an online school is great even in a non-pandemic setting. With schools adjusting to online methods of learning, anyone from anywhere in the world can have access to top-notch and quality education. People do not have to relocate and move to another state to learn from their choice of school. With education going digital and completely in the students control, they can create a more engaging venue for them to learn.

With all the spare time you have saved (from traveling and commuting from one place to another), you can focus and redistribute the attention you have to more important things. While education is important, there are other things you have to look at to fully live life even while in the pandemic lockdown. For example, you must have your mental health in check. Connecting with your friends even through virtual methods is a healthy way to keep your mind at ease at no cost. Also, your body must be kept healthy while staying put inside the house. While engaging in online training can be very convenient, it might be too convenient that it might cost your physical health. Wear your smartwatch and walk the minimum amount of steps required daily.

Now that you have more time to yourself, you can make the most of your spare time taking on different kinds of remote jobs to supplement your income. There are many remote jobs you can take on even with an incomplete college education. Copywriting, subcontracting eCommerce SEO services,and being a virtual assistant are only a few options that you can take on as a side job while you complete your online education. These options can net you some sort of income without taking too much out of your time for studying.

Going digital ensures that you will learn holistically. Our world is headed in a direction where everything will be accessible through digital means. Having exposed yourself and your family to digitalized education or training will also indirectly prepare them for the future. It will improve the way you interact and solve problems involving anything in the digital field.

Digitalization paves the way for a new era of learning methods. For us to evolve as a species, we must use the tools we have at our disposal to its greatest extent. Going digital will allow us to unlock new methods to solve problems and learn from them in ways that traditional methods cant cut.

See the original post here:
Why the Digitalization of Education is Important - Student Assembly of the State University of New York

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