24% of US SMBs not using social media marketing – BizReport

According to Clutch, many small business owners are not using social media, instead harking back to marketing headlines from several years ago that expressed doubt in the value of Likes or Tweets.

"They are missing out because of their own viewpoint on the topic, [made] from believing five- to six-year-old headlines and not recapturing the maturation of the space," said Joshua Dirks, CEO of Project Bionic, a Seattle-based creative marketing agency.

The report by Clutch, 'Social Media for Small Business: 2017', based on a survey of 350 small business owners across the US, reveals that one quarter (24%) do not currently use social media, with 8% saying the never expect to use it.

Of those small businesses that do use social media, Facebook is by far the most popular with 90% on the social network. Furthermore, social media seems have benefited many small businesses with over 50% planning to increase investment this year.

"Social is one of the few forms that allows you to look at the data," said Keith Kakadia, Founder and CEO of Sociallyin, a Mississippi-based social media agency. "It allows you to determine whether there's a return on investment (ROI) for the money spent. When you have a small budget, every single dollar needs to be spent on what works."

Additional findings from the survey include:

- 52% of small businesses keep their social media marketing in-house;

- Audience growth and clicks to website are both considered the most important social media metrics;

- While 23% of small businesses post to social media once a day, and 27% weekly, 43% post multiple times a day.

Tags: small business, SMB Trends, social media, survey

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24% of US SMBs not using social media marketing - BizReport

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