3 Ways Micro-Influencers Are Impacting Social Media Marketing – Business.com

Influencers with small but loyal followings may market your brand better than the social media giants. Learn why these micro-influencers are game-changers.

Influencer marketing is a strategy in which businesses from all around the internet are competing. Creating a brand campaign around someone with a celebrity-status following has been a great first step in the evolution of influencer marketing in social media.

Micro-influencers, who have smaller audiences, are sliding up the scale. According to Abtin Masseratagah, CEO of Northrn, they are impacting the marketing industry at the highest rate. In today's world of marketing, every brand across the internet has the opportunity to work with someone who has invested time with a target audience the company may not have known it had.

To learn more about how micro-influencers are taking social media by storm and why they will change the way the influencer marketing game is played, read the three points below:

Micro-influencers are effective at marketing strategy because they are more invested in what they are doing on their social media channels of choice.

In fact, Adweek published an article saying these micro-influencers are personally more involved in their channels than mega-influencers. They have everything invested in what they are doing, which brings more personality, style and flair.

Masseratagah mentioned a report from Markerlythat studied Instagram engagement, with surprising findings:

Markerly recommends that brands pursue accounts with 1,000 to 10,000 followers in the micro-influencer category, as they receive more engagement than users with more followers.

Based on this fact alone, we can see the impact micro-influencers have on marketing as a whole. Someone who dedicates their marketing to one social channel and puts everything they've got into this channel will come out with better results than others trying to juggle every social channel.

One of the downsides of an influencer who has millions of followers is the connection theory of being relevant to an individual who has certain wants or needs for their life.

Micro-influencers have built loyal followings because they tap into a smaller, more targeted user base. This way, everything they do or say is relevant and useful to their particular audience.

Take two influencers who are huge in the social space today, the Kardashian sisters, who were given an assignment from a brand. Micro-influencers were given the same assignment. Digidayreported that the micro-influencers received a higher conversion rate.

A survey by Experticity showed 82 percent of customers would rather be sold to by a micro-influencer anyway. That's loyalty.

Micro-influencers are becoming the go-to source of big brands. These small influencers pack a huge wallop because of their connectivity, personality and relativity to their audience.

Don't think about social media in terms of followers. This is just a number and isn't relevant to the power someone can bring to a social marketing campaign. Think about the impact they have with so few followers. This is the key to bringing more advanced social marketing strategies to your business.

One of the reasons so many brands reach out to these micro-influencers is because their followers value their opinion. For some women, it's simply going to Instagram to get ideas about what type of dress they should wear on a night out.

Everyone has a person in some niche where you look forward to reading or watching what they're going to put up next. You keep up with them because they are serving up their own brand of "regular" and connecting with you on this level. Masseratagah said he jumps over to a certain micro-influencer's account whenever he needs some handyman ideas for around the house. Watching or reading about their experiences doing things you want to do builds trust and respect for them.

Authenticity is what users of social media want from every brand. It develops the relationship and creates a more advanced sales process further down the road.

So if you're trying to become an influencer and you thought the only thing preventing this from happening was your number of followers, think again. Maybe you own a company and are thinking about taking the plunge into influencer marketing. If either of these things are true, take a closer look at the micro-influencers in your niche, and you will find that not only is their audience reliable and trustworthy, but their results are real. This is why they are the unsung heroes of so many accomplished brands online.

Nathan Resnick

Read more:
3 Ways Micro-Influencers Are Impacting Social Media Marketing - Business.com

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