7 Ways To Be More Efficient When Starting a Business – Small Business Trends

Operational efficiency doesnt guarantee success in business. Nothing does. As an entrepreneur, you already know this whether by direct experience or indirect observation.

Efficiency can tilt the odds in your favor though. Take two otherwise identical businesses with only one difference operational efficiency and you can predict far better than chance which will be in better shape five years out.

Efficiency is especially important in the earliest stages of your businesss life. When you have little or no revenue and you feel like youre doing everything yourself (or actually are doing everything yourself), you literally dont have a minute or dollar to spare.

These seven tactics work well for entrepreneurs like you. Each offers a clear efficiency-enhancing proposition, whether its enabling faster scaling through effective bulk purchasing or automating key tasks that dont by themselves generate any revenue. Implement them, stick with them, and chances are good youll find yourself in a better position than youd hoped.

Forging relationships with makers is time-consuming work. As soon as youre able, transition to a reliable wholesale platform that makes it easier to find and source from the brands you love.

Choose a provider that understands the needs of emerging retailers. Lets say you sell womens clothing online or in-store. Choosing a womens wholesale apparel platform with free returns ensures you can try out inventory before committing. Also, look for platforms with payment terms that work with your businesss cash flow.

If your team can do its job remotely just as well as it can (or better) in a central location, why bother with a permanent office space? Youll avoid the overhead costs associated with leasing and maintaining your own office, not to mention the competitive disadvantage of a long-term lease.

If you do need some physical space for your back-office teams, look to coworking or professional flex space to serve those needs without locking in a long-term lease. Otherwise, keep your storefront and warehouse posture lean, adding space only as necessary to sustain your growth.

The idea of using contractors for everything is appealing, but it comes at the potential cost of quality, on-deadline work. A good rule of thumb is to outsource work to contractors when its clear that theyre going to do a better job at it than you and when you cant get it done faster. For smaller startups, this often means important but non-core functions like HR, accounting, website design, and copywriting.

You do need to hire employees; you cant run your business as a sole proprietor forever. But do so deliberately and only as mission-critical needs arise that you cant address on your own or with reliable contract labor.

Your employee and contractor onboarding process should be as friction-free as possible. That ensures the relationship gets off to a good start and doesnt bog your team down with logistics that dont directly produce revenue.

On the contractor side, using a digital platform that matches businesses with contract labor is the obvious solution. The platform handles most of the heavy lifting so you can focus on the work.

On the employee side, HR automation is the key. Use a human resources program that handles all the dull legalities digitally and securely, keeping email back-and-forth to a minimum and eliminating physical paper from the equation.

Your digital marketing operation needs to be low-friction as well. Youre probably aware that you can automate email marketing pretty efficiently, but youll also want to make sure you and your team need to pay as little attention as possible to your paid search and social marketing too.

Automated marketing channels can quickly sap your budget if youre not careful. Be sure to set a maximum monthly spending range (with a hard cap that you try to avoid hiding) to keep costs in check.

One way to make your marketing more efficient while controlling costs (the definition of cost-effectiveness) is to work on developing social proof through real-world word-of-mouth networks and online social media communities. You shouldnt have to spend a fortune to get would-be customers to trust your brand. That should come naturally as you deliver actionable, informative content to them and cultivate a brand image that sells itself.

Is bootstrapping (self-funding) really the most efficient way to launch and scale a business?

Self-funding does have obvious trade-offs and could limit your ability to scale as quickly as youd like. But it has some undersold advantages as well. Perhaps most importantly, self-funding is the only way to ensure you dont have to answer to anyone you cant trust, be it a bank or venture capital firm. Eventually, youll need to accept outside investment, but why not bootstrap as long as you can until then?

Its been said before but always bears repeating. As an early-stage entrepreneur, you cant afford to waste any effort.

These seven strategies to start and scale a business more efficiently will reduce the amount of effort you waste as a new business owner. Theyll help you avoid costly duplication of effort and instead allow you to duplicate your companys most precious resource: you.

You have to follow through for these strategies to pay off though. You really do need to keep your physical footprint lean for longer than youd like. You have to be comfortable automating business processes that arent part of your core value proposition. You need to leverage low-cost marketing tactics like word-of-mouth and organic social media even if they dont come naturally.

Do these things and youll find yourself several steps ahead of your competitors. And dont wait; those competitors certainly arent.

Image: Depositphotos

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7 Ways To Be More Efficient When Starting a Business - Small Business Trends

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