Arcade Fire apologise for controversial ‘Everything Now’ social media campaign –

"The band will regain control of its social media channels".

Arcade Fire have apologised for the social media campaign accompanying the release of their new album Everything Now, which has seen the band use Twitter to promote dress codes at their shows and post a series of fake news stories.

Last month, the band attracted criticism for creating a dress code for fans attending their Webster Hall show in New York, before they were forced to clarify that attendees were allowed to wear whatever they want.

They have also released a series of fake news stories on their Fact Company site, with one focusing on a fictional writer who goes behind the scenes of their marketing campaign and discovers that the band were considering selling removable jihadi beards.

The campaign has also seen Arcade Fire stage an elaborate hoax on their merchandise page, where they claimed to be selling an $109 fidget spinner that contains a digital download of their new album.

Now, theyve released an equally bizarre statement to apologise for the campaign, claiming that it was the idea of Tannis Wright, a fictional promoter working for the Everything Now Corp, an equally fictional company that the band claim to be controlled by.

In the statement, the band said: In recent weeks, it has come to light that Tannis crossed the line from marketing into outright fiction on more than one occasion, and has even offended some readers, fans, and websites. He wasnt being truthful with the band or our fans at all times.

They have also confirmed that the band will regain control of its own social channels, marketing and publicity. You can read the full statement below.

Meanwhile, Arcade Fire will return to the UK next year for a tour that sees them taking in three dates at The SSE Arena, Wembley.

Read the rest here:
Arcade Fire apologise for controversial 'Everything Now' social media campaign -

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