Breaking down Social: Ads on IG more engaging that other social networks – Social Marketing – BizReport

Twitter is out and Instagram is in, at least for advertising. That is a key takeaway fromSocialInsider's 2021 social networking benchmarks. According to their latest dataTwitter posts are netting brands an engagement rate of about 0.07% while ads onimage-heavy site Instagram is netting engagement rates of about 1.16%, an increase of6% from 2019 through 2020, and Facebook is bringing in an engagement rate of about0.27%.

Researchers studied more than 22 million posts on the various social networks to cometo their findings, but it isn't just where brands post. In social it's all about what brandspost, and in 2020 those posts needed to be more about products.

Spurred by ongoing protests about racial injustice and political polarization, postsacross all the social networks that dealt with politics saw higher engagement rates thanthose that didn't refer to social issues. Breaking this trend down by platform:

Instagram posts that were politically motivated saw engagement rates increaseto 2.9%, up nearly 2% over 2019Political Facebook posts saw engagement rates increase to 0.90%Twitter posts dealing with politics or social issues had engagement rates of0.47%

One other thing to remember about social media posts, whether straight-up advertisingor joining in a cause: it's all about image. Not just the brand image, but according toSocialInsider, posts in all three major social networks that were image based receivedhigher engagement rates than posts that were script based.

This will come as no surprise to those familiar with Instagram, which is photo/imagebased; about 84% of brands using Instagram are primarily posting images. About three-quarters (75.14%) of brands on Facebook are focused on image-based posts, andabout half of brands on Twitter are posting images

Moredata from SocialInsider's 2021 benchmarks can be accessed here.

Tags: Facebook advertising, Facebook trends, Instagram advertising, Instagram trends, social marketing, social marketing trends, social network trends, SocialInsider

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Breaking down Social: Ads on IG more engaging that other social networks - Social Marketing - BizReport

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