Businesses Use StreamSend to Engage More Customers with Video


StreamSend, a leading email marketing service provider and creator of the social marketing tool suite StreamSend Share, has released its new Email +Video widget, offering businesses the ability to more easily and effectively engage viewers with video, while sharing them with larger audiences.

Video dramatically increases conversion rates, and our new video widget lets businesses tap into that power more easily than ever before, said Dan Forootan, president of StreamSend Email Marketing. This widget adds a host of new features that not only build profitable relationships with customers, they create more new, trackable relationships as these video messages are shared with interested prospects.

StreamSends new video widget features include:

As always, StreamSends Email +Video differs from many other offerings by having the video play directly within the email, without sending the viewer outside of the email message to click a link and pursue the video at another location -- leaving the email, and the relationship, behind.

And since viewers will watch your video within the email you send them, all of their behavior stats on what they clicked, how often and much more -- will be available and trackable, letting businesses fine-tune future messages according to their likes and dislikes, building response rates while increasing the value of their email messages to customers and prospects.

Learn how to reach more viewers with StreamSend Share at


StreamSend offers an easy-to-use, affordable and reliable email marketing service designed to help businesses maximize the reach of their marketing budget when sending an email newsletter or using Social Media. StreamSend offers a number of industry-leading standard pricing plans, private-label and affiliate programs and hands-on personal client service. Started in 1998, StreamSend is a leader in Email Marketing.

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Businesses Use StreamSend to Engage More Customers with Video

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