Customised Events Report of news & niche channels will not be visible in YUMI: BARC – Exchange4Media

Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) India has said that the Customised Events Report (CER) for News and Special Interest genre will only be shared with the channel concerned and will not be visible in the YUMI analytics software.

This was stated by BARC India CEO Nakul Chopra while addressing a Q&A session during a webinar organised by the rating agency on February 17. The webinar was held to educate subscribers about the Augmented Data Reporting Standards (ADRS) for news and special interest genre channels.

"It will not be shared. It will only be shared with the channel whose report it is. It's up to them who they want to share it with. The report will not be visible in the YUMI database," Chopra said while answering a question if the CER will be shared with other channels.

BARC has defined CER as reporting of an event in a single day in a financial year. It will issue three non-transferable CERs per quarter to each channel based on their specific request. These reports would be based on unrolled data for events such as special news events, and show premieres.

Unlike the unrolled data which cannot be used publicly, the broadcasters can use the CERs for social/marketing communications and sharing with trade/media. The CERs will be made available to subscribers from Week 14 data release.

On the confidentiality of CERs, BARC India Head Client Partnership & Revenue Function Aaditya Pathak said that the need to seek CER will only arise if a channel wants to socialise/promote or go public with the data for a particular day or programme. "Any which ways, the broadcasters would have the unrolled database, and they can look at their own estimates. Therefore, the reason to ask a CER would only arise if they would go out the whole hog," he added.

Queried whether subscribers can request CER for past data, Pathak responded in the negative. "No, because we are not releasing unrolled estimates for the past data," he added.

On being asked if BARC will provide a list of channels that are mapped with genre classification, BARC India Chief of Measurement Science & Business Analytics Dr. Derrick Gray said that the exercise to classify the channels will be done every quarter based on the past 13 weeks data. "BARC will reach out to all those channels to let them know which ones are falling into special interest genres," he noted.

In his response, Pathak said BARC will inform respective channels as to why they have been classified as special interest channels, "We will discuss with the respective channels and inform them as to why they are of special interest genre. In the entire currency database, it doesn't matter and there is no identification per se."

One of the subscribers asked the BARC executives as to how can broadcasters use unrolled database for generating insights with limited programming information about the other channels. To this, Dr. Gray said, "They have the other chance to report together in the rolled database that will give them an understanding of how they stack up against the competition. It's the same four-week theory that's being rolled, so it's a level playing field against the audience estimates of all channels."

He also noted that the unrolled database is meant to help channels understand the impact of programming decisions on their audiences and that would be fully visible to them in that database.

Responding to a question about the evaluation of campaigns for niche channels, Dr. Gray said that the pre- and post-evaluation will be done on the rolling average database. He added that both pre and post evaluations will be equivalent as both are being done on the same average datasets. "This is effectively just a re-estimation of the audience estimates that are released for planning both pre and post."

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Customised Events Report of news & niche channels will not be visible in YUMI: BARC - Exchange4Media

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