How to Slam Dunk Social Media Into Marketing Events – FishbowlDC (blog)

Imagine if the Chicago Bulls said Michael Jordan was once again coming out of retirement, but this time he would suit up for only one game and, strangely, the game would not be televised.

Further, and perhaps even stranger, there would be a strict no social media policy. The 20,000 people who were lucky enough to score tickets would have their smartphones confiscated at the door.

Limiting the majesty of this special occasion to only the folks in attendance would be a crime. Yet in a roundabout way, this is something too many event marketers are doing with their campaigns.

Its not that theyre enforcing silly policies that outlaw tweets, snaps and hashtagstheyre just not fully capitalizing on social media and seeing it for what it is: an engagement-driving element that can and should be leveraged during marketing events.

A whopping majority of event marketers say they use social media before and after events, but about 45 percent say they do not use it during the eventsthemselves. Thats akin to having Jordan sit on the bench for the entirety of his big night back.

With awareness, engagement and reach being the underlying goals of event marketing campaigns, shouldnt social media be a given? Not only is it inexpensive and easy to implement, but its also a slam-dunk way to plug a broader audience into a brands message.

To boot, 85 percent of consumers say they are more swayed by user-generated contentthan the material marketers come up with. Encouraging attendees to post about events adds a key layer of authenticity to campaigns.

The benefits of adding social media elements to marketing events are clear. Here are three tips that will help brands fully capitalize on this approach:

According to one survey, fewer than 30 percent of attendees say they feel compelled to share insights and photoswith their personal social networks during marketing events. Thats because no one is passing them the ball.

Even the most rabid basketball fans need a Jumbotron to remind them to get loud during important parts of a game. Similarly, the most avid Instagrammers and tweeters need to know that theres a photo booth and hashtag that brands want them to use.

There must be a clear awareness of how exactly social media plays into the event. It should be so self-explanatory that consumers cant help but want to document and share their experiences.

Over his long career, Shaquille ONeal attempted only 22 three-point shots. His coaches knew dunks and layups were his forte, so they never called any plays that would force him to shoot the long ball. In that vein, why would marketers ask attendees to utilize social media platforms they dont love to use?

Skip the Snapchat filters for a group of 60-year-old doctors, seeing as the platform fares betterwith younger demographics.

That said, however, dont limit the events social media aspect to one single channelespecially if the attendees are diverse. Make sure all players have opportunities to share the fun theyre having on platforms they enjoy using.

Championships are won when teams embrace and leverage their unique identities. The Jordan-era Bulls werent trying to emulate other teams; they leveraged their uniqueness to rise above the rest and become a dynasty.

In the event-marketing sense, social media shouldnt be haphazardly thrown into a campaign just because everyone else is doing it. Rather, it should be integrated thoughtfully and creatively.

For example, one of my favorite marketing events we worked on was for Tractor Supply Co. We rolled out a life-sized taxidermy rodeo bull and encouraged attendees to climb onto its back and snap photos. The brand wasnt providing a photo op just for the sake of providing onethis was a strategic decision that reflected the companys identity and appealed to attendees interests. It was a one-of-a-kind experience that consumers couldnt resist to share with friends.

If awareness and engagement are the biggest obstructions to return on investment at marketing events, social media is the tool that will help marketers alley-oop over them. Stop treating social media like a halftime show that no one pays attention to and start making it a fundamental part of your programs.

Steve Randazzo is founder and president of experiential marketing agency Pro Motion.

Image courtesy of Dmytro Aksonov/iStock.

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How to Slam Dunk Social Media Into Marketing Events - FishbowlDC (blog)

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