How Zuberance is helping social brands

Kristina: What does Zuberance do for brands?

Rob Fuggetta, CEO, Zuberance: Zuberance is the leading Brand Advocate Platform company. We provide a unique Brand Advocate Platform that makes it easy for retailers and online brands to systematically and continually identify and energize their authentic Brand Advocates. This is enabling retailers and online brands to increase conversion rates and sales, generate referral traffic, and slash customer acquisition costs. For example, - a Zuberance customer - generated over 8,000 highly positive recommendations from its Advocates in only about three months. Advocates shared these recommendations with their Facebook friends and Twitter followers, enabling to reach millions of prospects with trusted, relevant advice.

Kristina: Social media has exploded over the past 18 months; how important is the social space for retailers and online brands?

Rob: Social media is incredibly important for retailers and online brands. As everyone knows, social media has empowered and amplified consumers. A single post by a consumer can reach 10,000 people if it's passed along only three times, according to Facebook. Ninety-four percent of consumers trust peer recommendations but only 24 percent trust ads, Nielsen says. That's why it's critically important that brands to find their highly-satisfied customers (which we call "Brand Advocates") and empower them to tell your brand story and help sell your products.

Kristina: How can a brand tell the difference between a sometime-shopper and a true brand advocate?

Rob: At Zuberance, we help companies identify their Brand Advocates by asking the "Ultimate Question" for customer loyalty: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this brand or product to a friend?" Customers who answer 9 or 10 are considered Brand Advocates. We then give Brand Advocates online applications that make it easy for them to recommend the brand or product plus share promotional offers and content with their friends. Via Zuberance's Advocate Analytics, we can determine whether Advocates are actually recommending the brand, how often, and what the results of these recommendations are (in-bound clicks, referrals, sales, etc.)

More from Rob and Zuberance tomorrow - including his advice for engaging brand advocates.

Tags: WOM advertising, Zuberance, social ads, social marketing, social marketing tips, social presence

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How Zuberance is helping social brands

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