Marketing gets social

Withing 20 months of Apple launching the first iPad in the US, local tablet ownership hit 18 per cent, and is forecast to more than double this year to 39 per cent. Photo: Getty Images

THE rapid expansion in the use of social networks as a marketing tool has been underscored in a new survey.

Browsing for product and brand information has increased rapidly, particularly on Facebook, Nielsen's January online ratings report finds.

Among regular internet users, more than one in five shops or researches brands on social media platforms.

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The top categories included retailers, movies and TV, restaurants and bars, technology brands and charities.

The change in the way consumers shop and research products comes as the smartphone replaces other hand-held devices.

By the end of this year, 64 per cent of Australians are expected to own one, up from 51 per cent last year. BlackBerry's market share halved last year, to 4 per cent.

Within 20 months of Apple launching the first iPad in the US, local tablet ownership hit 18 per cent, and is forecast to more than double this year to 39 per cent.

The popularity of Facebook as a marketing tool continues to rise - 57 per cent of online Australians have clicked a Facebook ''like'' button for a brand or organisation last year, up from 46 per cent a year earlier.

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Marketing gets social

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