Mia Davies Reveals New Approaches to Marketing With Social Media for Local Business Owners at the San Diego Business …

There is no denying the power of marketing with social media in this
day and age but it’s very important to understand exactly why
this is such a powerful marketing platform. What social media
makes possible for business is to establish a brand identity
that engages customers so much that they naturally take action
on the brand’s behalf. This is what is happening for business
when this approach is done effectively. See Mia Davies teach the
most recent and effective use of social media at the upcoming
San Diego
Business Experts Event.

San Diego,
Ca (PRWEB) January 28, 2012

Marketing with Social Media has become a hot topic in the
business world. According to BtoB (Business to Business) Magazine
report, 93% of all BtoB marketers are currently using some means
of social
marketing. The reports are consistent across all media
platforms that marketing with social media is on the rise and in
high demand. TechCrunch reports that brands are increasingly
shifting marketing resources to social marketing.

There is no denying the power of marketing with social media in
this day and age but it’s very important to understand exactly
why this is such a powerful marketing platform. According to
Gary Vaynerchuk, author of Crush It!, “Social media is bringing
business back to small town “rules”- even in the biggest of
urban communities. Word of mouth is more powerful than ever.”
He also stated “brands can now reach customers on a deep
personal level that hasn’t really been possible before and the
customers will respond…businesses and brands are being
humanized.” According to Mia Davies, what social
media makes possible for business is to establish a brand
identity that engages customers so much that they naturally
take action on the brand’s behalf. This is what is happening
for business when this approach is done effectively.

Mia points out that most businesses know that social media is
where they need to be putting their marketing budget and their
marketing efforts but the question is, are they doing it
successfully? This is the exact question that led Mia Davies to
identifying a formula for marketing with social media that she
reports “ is a simple approach that produces more results in
less time.” She goes on to say, “one of the biggest problems
business owners and entrepreneurs face with social media marketing
is that is takes too much time to do it.” According to Mia,
marketing with social media does not have to take a lot of time
when done correctly. There are so many resources, tools, and
systems in place now to make the entire process run on
autopilot.” More importantly she points out, “when done
correctly the time spent on social media will produce long term

To learn more about marketing with social media with Mia
Davies, see her live in San Diego at the grand opening of the
The San Diego Business Experts. The San Diego Business Experts
is an organization in which members have access to weekly
networking opportunities and social media marketing classes.
Attendees at this event will learn social media marketing
strategies for YouTube and FaceBook specifically. Details for
the kick off event of the San Diego Business Experts are as
follows: On January 31, 2012 from 6pm to 9pm at The Dana Hotel,
1710 West Mission Bay Drive, San Diego, CA 92109. In order to
get a complimentary ticket to the event, interested
participants must register at: http://www.SDBusinessEvents.com

Those that are not in the San Diego area can learn more about
marketing with social media from Mia Davies at http://www.miadavies.com/4-steps-to-social-media-success/.
There are numerous resources online but as Mia points out, “The
key when marketing with social media is to keep it simple,
consistent and focus on offering value to your target audience.
As long as you stick to what is proven to work in social media
you will most likely have success but it never hurts to get the
step-by-step training from other’s who have paved the way.”

About Mia Davies

Mia Davies (http://www.MiaDavies.com/in-the-news/)
has a mission to empower entrepreneurs to leverage technology
to get their message out to the world through social media and
marketing. Mia started her entrepreneurial path in
traditional business when she founded a speech therapy
contracting business in 2005. She later when on to learn a
variety of Internet marketing skills and now provides training
and coaching in social media marketing, video marketing, and
Internet product creation. She combines her experience in
traditional business, Internet marketing and personal growth to
assist others in breaking through their barriers and taking
command of their financial future.

Mia Davies




"We Support The H.O.M.E. Foundation"

About The H.O.M.E. Foundation:

The Helping Others Means Everything, or The H.O.M.E.
Foundation, is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to
helping our Family of Charities. Frank Verdugo, President of
The HOME Foundation, wants to help as many worthy charities as
possible as they struggle during these tough economic times.
Frank Verdugo helps raise funds through luxury dream home
raffles, prizes, and high profile celebrity events in
Hollywood... "Our mission is to help charities reach their
fundraising goals and to bring awareness to their praiseworthy
causes." Please visit our Dream Home Raffle at: http://www.HOMEFoundationRaffle.com
and http://www.facebook.com/HOMEFoundationRaffle.

# # #

Mia Davies
Mia Davies
Email Information

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Mia Davies Reveals New Approaches to Marketing With Social Media for Local Business Owners at the San Diego Business ...

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