Never have I ever a marketing edition – Media Update

With this version of never have I ever, instead of taking a sip of your drink of choice, we will provide you with a solution to how you can do these things.

Personally I prefer it when someone gives me a solution to my problems because honestly I just don't have the time to think of how to fix it myself.

As a marketer, it is essential for you to be on top of the game regarding what people are saying about your brand and where do people go when they are unhappy about something? Social media.

And by actively listening, you are able to answer anyone asking questions about your brand. And I mean you want them to get an answer directly from the source.

Any great marketer knows that nurturing a relationship is extremely valuable to your brand, and being noticed by one is better than fading into the background.

If you haven't tried this and you are keen to try it then check out amaSocial.

Well, a competitor analysis will assist you in identifying key players in your industry and checking out their different marketing strategies. And by having this information you can use it as a point of comparison in identifying your brand / company's strengths and weaknesses relative to your competitors.

And if you have not done a competitive analysis then you should definitely check out Brand benchmarking.

A media directory gives you a list of contacts within the media world such as publishers and editors, at the palm of your hands. Saving you time and effort in sourcing valuable contacts yourself.

Having these contacts can help you choose the media outlets that you should use for your marketing campaigns.

So if you haven't made use of one yet then check out Target Media Directory.

To be an influencer they need to work extremely hard to make their voice valuable in the wild and wide world of the web. They have a unique voice and their audience trusts their opinion.

As a marketer, it's important to try and make sure that your brand is seen by the right people, and by finding the perfect influencer you can rest assured that that is exactly what will happen.

Now finding the right influencer can be a challenge and if you want to find the perfect one for you, without all the hassle then check out Influencer partnerships.

Did you have fun playing our little game? What else do you think marketers should try? Let us know in the comments section below.

Marketing Never have I ever Social listening Competitor analysis Media directory Influencer Influencer marketing New marketing strategies Marketing ideas Marketers

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Never have I ever a marketing edition - Media Update

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