New Internet Marketing Survey Shows Digital Leads to ROI

Marketing strategies are moving toward more personalized web experiences, causing content creators to embrace new tools to customize their writing, data from theExactTarget2014 State of Marketing survey shows.

Online marketers responding to the internet marketing survey plan to increase marketing automation (33 percent), lead scoring (30 percent), personalized web (29 percent) and social listening (24 percent) efforts this year. Many marketers also plan to increase their budgets for marketing automation (60 percent), social media marketing (57 percent), email marketing (58 percent) and social advertising (55 percent).

How do brands plan to drive programs across these channels? Moz Co-FounderRand Fishkinreported on results from an upcoming Moz survey that found demand has increased most significantly for content creation. As the mantra content is king grows stale, marketers are looking for ways to deepen their understanding of content marketing in order to build successful relationships with their audience. This has flooded the Web with content, and for marketers who tie together email, social media and their websites, returns have begun to appear.

ExactTargets Internet marketing survey notes that approximately one-third of marketers see ROI from their investment in social media, largely powered by the content they create. Sixteen percent of surveyed marketers stated that their businesss primary revenue source is linked to email programs, which are often supported by complex marketing automation solutions.

Industry and content marketing surveys show that digital channels are beginning to prove their worth. Brands are discovering ways to link their efforts back to revenue streams, especially with often-criticized channels such as social media.

Social seems to have achieved maturity and scale faster than SEO, Fishkin said.While this may be a matter of opinion, one thing is sure: Numerous data sets show that brands are finding ways to move the needle via digital channels.

Photo credit: Flickr

Tags: content marketing, featured

Category: Advertising, Agencies, Brands, Business, Content Marketing, Industry Insight, Media, Social Media

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New Internet Marketing Survey Shows Digital Leads to ROI

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