Online Marketing Firm fishbat, Inc., Analyzes Social Media Results of Online Bike Giveaway for Commuter Bike …

fishbat, an online marketing firm, after conducting a social media based bike giveaway for commuter bike manufacturer Linus Bikes, analyzes how social media can boost revenue.

Bohemia, NY (PRWEB) October 10, 2012

fishbat reveals that the main giveaway contest created by fishbat for Linus Bike unveiled a Roadster 8 bike valued at $849 as the giveaway prize. During the time of the giveaway, the number of Facebook followers on Linus page boosted from 6355 to 9754, which was approximately a 53% increase in fans. In addition, the giveaway brought about a sharp increase in online sales revenue from $7,122 to $14,241, an 840% increase from 2011s numbers. May and June sales also yielded a 56.83% and 281.64% boost in sales over the previous year respectively. Over 2496 entries to the contest were received through social media during the contest period.

Justin Maas, VP of Client Relations at fishbat comments on the long-term benefits of the contest stating, The bike giveaway was very value-forward and showed that providing fans with a reason to keep coming back can spur growth on not only a Facebook fan page, but for an entire company. Maas further comments that the giveaway and related social media features on Linus Bike's page have contributed largely to the current fan-base following the company.

Linus number of Facebook likes has grown to over 20,000 and counting, thanks in large part to the bike giveaway. It really shows not only the power of social media contests but how social media in general has a way of bringing people together and keeping them interested in a brand, says Maas.

fishbat, Inc. is a full service digital marketing agency. Striving through social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), web design, and public relations, fishbat flourishes as a marketing firm to raise awareness about your brand and strengthen your corporate image.

Scott Darrohn fishbat 855-347-4228 Email Information

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Online Marketing Firm fishbat, Inc., Analyzes Social Media Results of Online Bike Giveaway for Commuter Bike ...

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