Our Darien: Third talk will cover difficult moments with teens – Darien Times


Feb. 16, 2021Updated: Feb. 16, 2021 12:22p.m.

Cristina Young

Cristina Young, LCSW, a parent educator, and a therapist, will present Managing difficult moments with teens, a conversation about mental health, substance use and tactics for deepening communication with teens in an effort to maintain strong connections during turbulent times, March 4, at 10 a.m.

The talk is the third in a series of The Community Fund of Dariens Our Darien events this year. The speakers are designed to educate parents about the dangers of substance use, youth mental health and how they can best support their teens.

Registration for this discussion, which is sponsored by the Depot Youth Center and YWCA Darien/Norwalk Parent Awareness, is free and required at: http://www.communityfunddarien.org.

Young is also a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in Greenwich. Young has more than 25 years experience providing professional support to children, adolescents, adults, and families in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, and residential treatment centers. She has lived and worked in the Fairfield County area for almost 20 years.

For the past four years, the fund in collaboration with the Thriving Youth Task Force, (TYTF), has educated teens, and adults in the town about the dangers of teen binge drinking through the Our Darien social marketing campaign. This public health initiative aims to shine a spotlight on the impact of alcohol on the teen brain, and to offer proven tactics towards healthier attitudes and behaviors. The Our Darien campaign is funded by a grant from the state of Connecticuts Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

YWCA Parent Awareness provides free support, and education to parents and children with the goal of encouraging the healthy, positive development of Darien youth and families.

The Depot Youth Centers mission is to build confident youth in our community offering a connected and inclusive environment while providing essential programming and leadership development.

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Our Darien: Third talk will cover difficult moments with teens - Darien Times

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