Report IDs differences in how people connect on SnapChat – BizReport

According to new Toluna data women are more likely to use the social network for one on one communication (37%) while men are more likely to view branded content (50%) on the network. Men were also found to be more likely to follow celebrities or news organizations.

"The most compelling results of our research were revealed when we compared subpopulations of Snapchat users. The data shows a distinct difference in how men and women interact with branded content on Snapchat," said Frdric Charles Petit, CEO and Founder, Toluna. "Men are far more likely to view branded content and to say they 'like' that content. In the U.S., 50% of men surveyed had used Snapchat Discover, compared to 40% of women. Additionally, when asked to pick their favorite Snapchat feature, men were twice as likely (22% of men vs. 11% of women) to select Snapchat Discover, a feature which allows users to view news updates and branded content, and indicated they are slightly more likely to view celebrity content (48% of men vs. 44% of women). When it comes to interacting with branded content on Snapchat, the only area in which women outpaced men was using branded filters or lens (46% women vs. 44% men)."

Those aren't the only differences. Researchers found that Millennials are more likely to engage with branded content than either Gen Xers or Baby Boomers; older adults are more likely to use the social network to engage with friends.

What do these patterns mean?

"These patterns demonstrate the importance of analyzing subpopulations in your target audience. Even if marketers would like to target both men and women in Snapchat, they may need to customize their approach at a more granular level to be successful," said Petit.

More from Petit and Toluna later this week, including how brands can better use social networks like SnapChat.

Tags: snapchat, snapchat trends, social marketing, social marketing trends, Toluna

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Report IDs differences in how people connect on SnapChat - BizReport

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