Report reveals widening gap in marketers’ social media … – BizReport – BizReport

The report from Immediate Future (IF), 'What Has Social Media Ever Done for Us?', found that more than half (58%) of B2B marketers describe their ability to measure social media between 'average' and 'very poor'.

According to Immediate Future CEO, Katy Howell, the report reveals "a widening gap between the marketers that have mastered social measurement and are impacting the bottom line, and those B2B brands that are struggling with some of the basic metrics".

Most marketers (82%) said they were comfortable tracking website traffic data resulting from social marketing, and 65% said the same of content downloads. However, the struggles begin when tracking softer metrics such as email opens and website conversions. Yet, it is these metrics that are needed in the boardroom.

More than two-thirds (67%) of respondents are upbeat about the future and confident that their ability to measure social will improve in the next two years. Half plan to increase budgets and resources within the next year.

"The confusion and disconnect in measuring social media makes it a challenge to prove a case for further investment," added Howell. "But it appears marketers are optimistic and committed to social media regardless, as they have plans to invest more and get better at identifying the metrics that prove business value."

Tags: campaign measurement, metrics, research, social media, UK

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Report reveals widening gap in marketers' social media ... - BizReport - BizReport

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