Social Media Insights From The Lady "Who Just Gets It" – Christi McNeill

Not long ago, I invited Christi McNeill on my podcast, All The Social Ladies. Christi is the Social and Digital Strategy Manager for Patron Spirits and is described as a communicator who just gets it by USA Today. After building the social mediaprogram at Southwest airlinesto its current level of success, she was personally head-hunted by Patrons VP of Digital Marketing, Adrian Parker. Being the voice of a trusted and iconic brand is no easy feat, and I wanted to share with you three key insights from Christis interview that reveal her path to success.

Get Buy-In

How do you get buy-in to impact change in your organization through social media? Not all brands view social in the same way, and Christi has experienced both sides of the fence. Early on, Patron had identified the need for a specific digital practice. The brand got it and wanted Christi to do more. Having an executive who is your social media cheerleader and evangelist is key. Patrons CMO, Lee Applbaum, is a frequent user of social media. Having a C-Level advocate can make it easier for the entire company to get behind social. Dont have this? Christis advice is to provide regular education as to why social is so critical and important for your brand.

Bring Social Strategy to Life

There are three areas that Christi thinks are vital for social strategy to succeed:

1. Find your brand advocates and bring them to life. Re-share and re-broadcast what they are saying to show you are truly listening. Its all about maximizing the shared voice online.

2. Resolve misperceptions through education. One of the ways Patron does this is by telling the story of its handcrafted liquor in an authentic way across social channels.

3. Unlock the passion. Provide great content for your brand lovers to make them super fans. Look for conversational trends and tap into them. Mirror your content to be part of these trends and make your participation relevant.

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Social Media Insights From The Lady "Who Just Gets It" - Christi McNeill

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