Social Media Marketing Proposal Template – Get Free Sample

1. COVER LETTER 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Creating Engaging Social Content Posting Company Related Updates Integrate Social Media Activity into Other Marketing Plans Promotions and Social Campaigns Sustained Monitoring Analytics 3. ASSESSMENT 4. IMPLEMENTATION 5. GOALS AND OUTLOOK 6. TEAM 7. BILLING AND SCHEDULING 8. TERMS AND AGREEMENT 9. ACCEPTANCE1. Cover Letter

Dear [Client.FirstName]

Thank you for considering [Sender.Company] for your social media marketing needs. Im glad we had the opportunity to connect so that my team and I could get a clear understanding of your social marketing expectations.

By using social media strategies and implementing procedures based on the results of extensive analysis, study of social media trends, and application of specifics unique to [Client.Company], we are confident in delivering effective results within your social media channels.

We believe our proposal provides a complete social media marketing strategy which will culminate in highly successful results for your business.

If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to get in touch. My contact information is below.

Thank you,


This proposal outlines a coordinated plan crafted with the intent ofbuildingyour social media presence, primarilyincluding: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Snapchat.

By engaging an audiencethroughsocial media channels,our team willdemonstratethe ability to generate awareness, widen your companys potential reachwithin yourtarget market, andcontribute to driving more website traffic, which willultimately resultintop line growth.

Of course, the most effective social media marketing happens over timewhen quality meets consistency. The following list describes eachprimaryareaofon-going focus:

Beginningwith quick yetthorough planning/preparation, our team will plan out a dynamic on-goingsocial contentcalendarto guide youto your goals.

We will grow an increasing social audience and follower base through: hash tag campaigns, stronguse ofkeywords,sharing/retweeting relevant news,liking posts,staying updated within the industry, andcontributingourownunique contentto broadenreach.

Our plan is to engage our social media audience by sharing company news, press releases, events, employee spotlights, and more.

We will also pay close attention to industry trends, and share it. This will help to gain exposure with yourtarget market.

With clear communicationand monthly brainstorm meetings,well be able to consolidate the marketing initiatives to fit your goals and promotional material.

Campaignsvia social media are more importantthan just sharingaboutgiveaways,sales, contests, and/orpromotions. We will agree on aschedule fora series of posts to keep up the excitingmomentum for allprospective customers.

We will utilizesocialchannels to connect with your follower base, and engage them with promotionsto get them excited about both current events, and the brand itself.

These campaigns can last as short as a day, or can runup to six months. Well be able to analyze the results from each campaign, and then we willprovide a report of its success.

Results of campaignscan be comparedso the most effective promotions, offers, or contests can be replicated.

It is important to regularly maintain marketing activityformaximumgrowth.

We will continually monitor each channel, and willrespond to any questions,comments, andpostswithin a two hour time period. Two hours will allow us to confirm that accurate information is relayed back to theperson asking.

We will provide you with:

Daily and Weekly Analytics-Such as: follower growth, reach, demographics, comments, likes, shares, retweets, etc.

Reporting-Summarizing various results and activities over each quarter.

We will set up a meeting to go over the results, to then tweak our approach accordingly.

PandaTip: Here, you should identify how social media has the power to influence the clients business. Focus on the strengths/weaknesses of the prospects current social media standing. Analyze current market trends, and how you will be able to produce results. Here is a good spot to compare competitors marketing efforts. Remember to identify how social media has the power to influence the clients business.

Since [Client.Company] is an industry leader within the [Industry] space, [Sender.Company] is excited to team up and tackle the challenge of improving their current social media standings.

As you know, successful social media marketing is the best way to get noticed. In my research, I discovered that [Client.Company]s current primary social media strengths include: timely responding to comments, and creating clever content to engage with the current follower base.

The current weaknesses [Sender.Company] will work to improve are as follows: use of more consistent promotional campaigns, use of photo marketing/infographics, and using analytics to demonstrate effective social media marketing.

By analyzing the current successful marketing trends, such as: use of key words, creating interesting infographics, and interacting with the audience in a fun and professional manner will be useful ways to get started.

PandaTip: Describe your social media marketing plan in depth. Include your plans for how youll keep with your social posting momentum.

From our discussion, weve agreed to follow a social media marketing strategyto ensure a consistent presence through each important channel. Here iswhat we guarantee on a daily/weekly/monthlybasis:

Upon implementing the social media marketing strategy described above, we canuse this informationto compare resultsmonth to month/quarter to quarter/year to year, tounderstand the full scope of themarketing initiativesworth pursuing.

Our analysis projects the following outcomes:

PandaTip: Be sure that the reported results are realistic and quantitative. Showing a projected trend over time will help give the client a clear visual.

Our team is based out of [Location]. We are a small group of passionate marketers, committed to the success of our clients.[/caption][Sender.Company] is in the funbusiness of marketing through the varioussocial media channels to drive web traffic, engageanaudience, runsocial campaigns, andcontributeuniquecontent to follower base.

Founded by [Founders], in [Foundation Year], [Sender.Company] delivers proven social media marketingresults. Weare committed toinfluencing optimalrevenue growth, whileexceeding our clients expectations.

PandaTip: Be sure to provide your plan for communication with the client, and include the method in which you will contact them. Include specifics on how often client will be billed (weekly/monthly/quarterly).This is where you will add any other specific payment information, such as: late fees, payment deadlines, and when client will receive the invoice.

[Sender.Company] collects payments on a monthly billing cycle. Here is an outline of our pricing and services:

Daily/Weekly/Monthly Responsibilities

Total: $$$

Please choose your preferred method ofpayment:

Prior to a contractual agreement, elements of thisproposal may be amended upon collaboration with the client, [Client.FirstName] [Client.FirstName]of[Client.Company], at the discretion of[Sender.Company].

Your signature below indicates acceptance of this social media marketing proposaland entrance into a contractual agreement with [Sender.Company]beginning on the signature date below:

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Social Media Marketing Proposal Template - Get Free Sample

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