Study finds streaming still on the uptick – Content Marketing – BizReport

From connected TVs to independent streaming devices like Apple TV and Roku, consumers continue to increase their use of streaming for entertainment and news purposes. According to Conviva's Q1 2021 State of Streaming Report televisions continue to hold a 73% share of streaming devices; Roku captures about 30% of the share of streaming time from connected TVs.

"In every region in the world, streaming viewership is growing, representing a global shift in the way people consume content," said Bill Demas, CEO, Conviva. "This rapidly expanding international audience has created an enormous opportunity for content developers, device manufacturers and advertisers to engage new audiences as the brands and publishers who understand exactly how, when and where people are streaming, will inevitably triumph."

As to advertising, researchers found an overall 4% increase in ad attempts with ad quality metrics like start times and bitrates all showing marked improvement over the previous quarter.

One of the more interesting findings is this: people aren't direct navigating to the various streaming sites. Instead, many are finding new content via social media. Publishers have taken note and are now sharing more content via social networks; publisher posts within the social networks increased 99% YoY with engagement up 24%.

Conviva's State of Streaming report can be accessed here.

Tags: advertising, content marketing, content tips, content trends, Conviva State of Streaming, streaming ad trends, streaming ads, streaming content, streaming video trends, video content, video content trends

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Study finds streaming still on the uptick - Content Marketing - BizReport

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