Survey Says: Brand awareness key to social strategy

According to a new Social Media Marketing University report most social brands believe Twitter is an effective marketing tool; the problem comes with how brands can tally customer engagement. And, from engagement, how they leap from awareness to sales conversion. Which is why, according to the survey, many aren't looking to Twitter to increase direct sales and instead rely on the social network to increase brands awareness. More than 40% of respondents said the biggest challenges to using Twitter were measuring campaign ROI/results and building an audience.

Other than increasing brand awareness (79%), marketers surveyed said they use Twitter to push website traffic (58%) or to engage existing customers (55%) or to find new customers (51%). About one-third are using Twitter to build loyalty.

Other interesting findings include:

8% have used Twitter's paid services, 16% didn't know Twitter offered paid services, 43% said they know but haven't yet used paid services Only 2% have used VINE services, 88% are using hashtags and 64% are using images/photos Most (87%) tweet 1 to 5 times each day

Image via Shutterstock

Tags: brand awareness, branded social marketing, social marketing, Social Media Marketing University, social networks, Twitter use

Survey Says: Brand awareness key to social strategy

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