Ten Best Social Media Marketing Agencies in Costa Rica Issued in January 2014 by costa-rica.topseos.com

(PRWEB) January 26, 2014

The independent authority on internet marketing in Costa Rica, costa-rica.topseos.com, has revealed the list of the January 2014 top social media marketing services in the search marketing industry. The rankings are revealed at the start of each month in order to account for the latest developments and achievements of the top performing social media marketing services. The independent research team at costa-rica.topseos.com scrutinizes and lists the social media marketing services included in the investigation process each month in order to assist businesses in selecting their best fit social media marketing firm.

While many social media marketing consultants in Costa Rica are considered for the thorough evaluation process each month, only the best consultants are featured in the ratings. The rankings are revised each month in order to account for the latest developments and achievements of competing social media marketing consultants in areas most commonly associated with successful social media marketing services. The five areas of evaluation used to determine the best consultants include methodology, brand management, timeliness, reach, and consultation.

The 10 best social media marketing services in Costa Rica for January 2014 are:

1. http://www.PlanMC2.com

2. BlindMonkeyMedia

3. Mercadeo8020.com

4. Internet Pronto

5. 77 Digital

6. WannaBeeSocial.com

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Ten Best Social Media Marketing Agencies in Costa Rica Issued in January 2014 by costa-rica.topseos.com

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