The Best Times to Post on Social Media in 2022 [Infographic] – Social Media Today

Before we look into this data from CoSchedule, a quick disclaimer.

Yes, the best time to post is relative to your unique audience, so it may well be that none of this data is specifically useful to you in your planning. If you know your audience, and when theyre most active, thats more specifically applicable to your brand, as opposed to generalized overviews like this.

No, this info is not prescriptive. Reports like this are not designed to establish definitive rules, as such, and the days and times here are not intended as absolute guide markers for your strategy. Instead, they provide some additional insight into when people are currently active in each app, which could assist in your planning, if you were looking to experiment, as another way to potentially maximize your efforts.

With these notes in mind, the team from CoSchedule recently released their analysis of the best times to post to each social media app, based on insights from more than 37 million posts, from more than 30,000 organizations.

The study looked at when these organizations are seeing the most engagement with their posts (i.e. Likes, comments, shares), and from this, CoSchedule has come up with an overview of the best times and days to post to each platform.

That could provide some helpful pointers for your planning or at the least, some food for thought for your experiments.

You can read CoSchedules full overview here, or check out the infographic summary below.

Continued here:
The Best Times to Post on Social Media in 2022 [Infographic] - Social Media Today

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