The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing – MassNews

Social media isnt just a place where you keep up with your friends and post food photos. Nowadays, its become a staple for marketing your business. The more of an online presence that you have, the greater chances you are of broadening your clientele. However, marketing your business on social media isnt as straightforward as it may seem.

There are all sorts of mistakes you can make if you dont know what youre doing. Whether youve already started a social media plan, or if youre just about to get started, take a look at some of the most important dos and donts to keep in mind.

Do Use Great Images

Social media is all about the visual aspect of sharing. In order to stand out as people scroll, youll need to use compelling images to catch peoples attention.

Posts that have an image are much more likely to be engaged with. Although plenty of people read what you write, youll find that more people will read your post if its visual. The reason for this is because peoples attention spans have shortened.

Theres so much information coming at us through the screen that it takes something exciting to get us to stop scrolling. Anything less will keep people looking in the other direction. Above all, make sure that you post high-quality images that arent grainy or out of focus.

Dont Ignore Comments

Dont forget that its important to interact with comments that your followers leave for you. Even the smallest comment should always be responded to with minimally a like or emoji.

Remember, social media is a two way street. Dont just expect people to engage with you without putting some sort of effort back in. Always respond to comments so that you build a relationship with your followers.

Do Post Regularly

Its important that you stay regular on your social media account. Post often, without going too overboard. A good rule of thumb is posting once a day. Your followers will appreciate the consistency and know that they can expect posts from you daily. Posting too little can result in your audience forgetting that youre even there.

Its also important to take social media algorithms into consideration. The more that your audience interacts with you, the more that youll appear on their feed.

Dont Post Too Much About Your Business

Even though the point of having an account on social media is to promote yourself, its not supposed to seem that way. A good rule of thumb is to only post about your business every so often.

Out of every five posts, only about one should be about what youre trying to sell. Posting too many promotional posts will make people feel spammed.

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The Do's and Don'ts of Social Media Marketing - MassNews

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