The three important areas of market segmentation – Media Update

In fact, marketing segmentation is inclusive in most strategies. When a marketer loses all hope, all that they need is a good plan to relook at how they have segmented their audience who, where, age group etc its a sure fix!

With the introduction of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there has been improvement in the way that marketers create messages. From hardcopy ads, to digital billboards, to personalised digital marketing the change has affected almost every aspect of the world of marketing.

media updates Nakedi Phala reveals the most relevant segmentations that marketers should consider in their strategies.

Marketing segmentation is the compass in your marketing strategy; it tells you who your possible consumer is, why you should go for them and whether or not they will welcome your product or service.

Without wasting any time, lets head into the three vital marketing segments:

Well, those days are gone. Now, theres the Internet! If you need a car, you can find one and even complete the actual transaction through your smartphone device. But what does this mean for marketers? Well, a marketing team working in the motoring industry can now use smart tech to choose their target buyers by their region or climate, allowing them to find an audience that best suits their vehicles compatibility. This way, they dont need to fit their cars with snow features if it comes to a country like South Africa; so theres an opportunity to save manufacturing costs in this regard.

It is good to think things through again and again before creating a product that might flunk in certain regions, simply because it does not synchronise with your audiences lifestyle.

Once you have learnt your audience's behaviour, you can move swiftly into creating a personalised marketing strategy that will help you understand what kind of conversation you need to create to capture your current and prospective consumers, as well as play right to their likes, needs, interest and routine behaviors.

Audience behavioural patterns need to be forecasted on a long-term basis, as people tend to outgrow certain things. In this regard, its important to keep identifying trends that can give you insight so that you can plan effectively for the future.

Understanding behavioural segmentation has benefits such as:

For example, before a person buys a house, they have a picture in their mind of the type of house they are looking to buy. Whichever house the buyer chooses must fit the image they have in their mind and give them that sentimental feeling.

So, what does this mean for marketers? Well, it means that you need to tap into your consumers emotions, thoughts and desires in order to understand what they need. Once you understand them, you will be more likely to select consumers who are willing to buy the house you have on offer; and its all because you studied their interests, lifestyle and activities.

Market segmentation is a great way to analyse current and potential audiences. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments section below.

Attitude segmentation Geographic segmentation Behavioural segmentation Geographic segmentation

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The three important areas of market segmentation - Media Update

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