These are the challenges of communication with social impact in 2021, according to Saskia Nio de Rivera – Explica

In a context in which society is going through a particularly difficult time in the face of the pandemic, solidarity becomes the key to resuming normality. Consumers are increasingly demanding in this regard, following the activities of companies and determining their consumption according to their contributions to society.For example in the case of the new generations. The Global Millennial Study 2019, developed by Deloitte, revealed that 91 percent of millennials would change the consumption of a brand for one that truly has a social cause with which they identify.

Social marketing is transcendental in strategies, but above all, that they are actions with a real impact, since the current consumer can leave or adopt a brand defining their choice for that aspect.For Saskia Nio de Rivera, Co-founder of Reinserta and Permanent Guest of the Organized Civil Society to the National Public Safety Council, communication with social impact is essential especially in 2021. Empathic messages would be the key to follow.

Our challenges undoubtedly respond to being able to generate clear and empathetic messages in the face of an adverse context derived by COVID-19, in addition to the daily events of violence, corruption and impunity in the country. Our mission as a civil society organization with a focus on social impact is to propose solutions that are nurtured by effort and creativity to communicate our causes and that our struggle becomes that of many more Mexican men and women , he commented.

Being inclusive and respectful with all segments is essential in communication. According to Statista, in 2017, 44 percent of employees globally believed that there was openness in the workplace to support diversity and inclusion. This figure will increase during 2021.

Above all with respect, it is essential to promote the inclusion of the different groups with which we live and not allow someone to cause harm to a third party. At Reinserta we consider that we are all valuable and each one of us can contribute something, so warmth in our treatment is fundamental and our entire team can bear witness to this, more than an organization, we see ourselves as a family , added Nio of Rivera.

In this sense, Christianne de la Torre, specialist in inclusion and gender agenda at Zimat Consultores (strategic advisers for Reinserta on PR and communication issues) highlights the importance of developing communication strategies with social impact that start from the understanding and comprehension of the context and social needs, to build from this, messages that connect with the audience and are relevant to them. The specialist adds that the key is to think about how an organization can contribute to social transformation through a communication strategy.

THE MOMENTUM IN DIGITALOne medium that puts brands that are not aware of these important aspects in check is social networks. The latest Sprout Social survey indicates that a brands social presence may be best-in-class when consumers notice engagement with their audience (61 percent) is a leading factor, along with transparency (45 percent) and a strong customer service (44 percent).

Nio de Rivera highlights that the role of social networks for organizations in 2021 will be fundamental.

Without a doubt, they will play a fundamental role in publicizing the work that we will carry out in a scenario where COVID-19 will continue to be a constant theme. They are a window to our activities, our ideals and our actions. Social networks will be our allies to socialize and generate a greater impact on the populations we work with , he deepened.A good planning and communication strategy in accordance with the values of the companies, would be the key to connect with consumers effectively.

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These are the challenges of communication with social impact in 2021, according to Saskia Nio de Rivera - Explica

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