TVideo 00109 Social Media and Management – Video

TVideo 00109 Social Media and Management
Social Media and Management "Marketing principles have been widely adopted in the nonprofit sector. Some nonprofits engage in commercial marketing to attract customers to the goods and services that they provide. Others use social marketing to change behavior in order to benefit people and society. Some remain concerned that commercial marketing may not be appropriate to nonprofit values and cultures. This may reflect, in part, an understanding of marketing that is a throwback to earlier mind-sets about the concept, especially the idea that marketing is equivalent to sales." Worth, Michael J., Nonprofit Management, Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications (US), 02/2011. Social Media and the NPO 00102 - Introduction 0012 "Just getting it done" the reason we are working toward the Keep #39;em warm initiative. 00103 - Keep #39;em Warm Social Media Initiative of the Northeast Carpenter Road neighborhood Association 00104 - What can I do with social media? Sharing your concepts, ideas and your work are just a few things you can do. Input then Output... 00105 106 - Marketing Mix 4 P #39;s -- Place, Product, Price, Promotion -The collaborations of them all. 0017 - When virtual meets the practical 2012 jfidelrush 11/16/12From:Jfield RushViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:57More inNonprofits Activism

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TVideo 00109 Social Media and Management - Video

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