Workshop to focus on social media and email marketing

Posted by admin in Lifestyle on October 26th, 2012 | no responses

Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Constant Contact to present a workshop Nov. 8 on the benefits of social media marketing and email marketing.

Attendees will be given real-world advice and knowledge that can be put to work immediately.

The morning is broken into three components, which may be attended separately. From 8-9am, breakfast at the Lake Tahoe Community College Creekside Caf. From 9-10:30am, Social Media Marketing Made Simple will cover the strategies and best practices needed to get the most out of your social media activities, including managing your time, measuring the return on your activities, and growing your business using the essential elements of the power of social media marketing. From 10:30am-noon, Grow Your Business with Email Marketing will help build the relationships that are the key to your business success with easy, inexpensive and highly effective email marketing.

The workshop will be presented by Karen Rice, Constant Contacts regional development director for Northern California.

The workshop cost is $10 for chamber members or $20 for non-members. The workshop and breakfast are at Lake Tahoe Community College in the Creekside Caf.

For more information or to register, call (775) 588.1728.

See the article here:
Workshop to focus on social media and email marketing

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